My First Post

Alright so it took me while to start posting. So I am a little shy about marring my Tabular Raza. I would say it is akin to writers block. But I have to start sometime.

Today in the car I heard the most atrocious thing on the radio. I am not usually a stickler for language but the DJ committed a major faux pas. On the local soft rock radio station (you know the one where they only have 40 songs that you have already painfully memorized) they were discussing the location of local garage sales. The DJ was with the last caller and about to sign off (thank goodness) when he said, “I can’t seem to hang up on the lady I think the phone is broke.” Broke? Meaning bankrupt? Really the phone is bankrupt? Or past tense of broken when he was clearly taking in the present tense?

I can’t seem to understand. Are people just too lazy to speak correctly? Or too stupid? This from a DJ who should at least be able to articulate properly. The funny thing is I have heard many people lately on television and radio trying to slang it up. Is this a new trend? In the past people always attempted rise above their station.

I am not sure if this means uneducated people are doing jobs they shouldn’t or if entertainers are trying to endear themselves to the masses.